How much does Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B cost?

How much does Medicare Part A and Part B cost?

Medicare is a government-run insurance program consisting of Medicare Part A and Part B, usually called Original Medicare.

If you have worked for at least 40 calendar quarters and paid Social Security taxes during that time, Medicare Part A is free, covering hospital expenses, skilled nursing care, hospice care, and limited health services.  However, not all hospital stays are covered at 100%.  Once initial limits are met, coverage drops to 80%, with the patient responsible for the remaining 20%.

Part B provides outpatient coverage for procedures like same day surgeries. 

The standard cost for Part B is $174.70 per month, in 2024.  Coverage is 80% with the insured responsible for the remaining 20%.

Other coverage options, such as Medicare Supplements or a Medicare Advantage plan are available. 

Please contact Lori Good at 419-446-2777 to plan a review and comparison of your options.  I am here to provide guidance and help you find the best plan for your needs.

Medicare Open Enrollment is fast approaching!  Beck Insurance has two convenient locations in NW Ohio.  Contact either in Archbold or Whitehouse, Ohio by calling 419-446-2777, email us at, or click here to submit your request today.


Medicare is a federal health insurance program that is designed to help individuals sixty-five years and older, and certain other individuals with disabilities, obtain the medical insurance they need to cover their specific medical requirements.

At Beck Insurance Agency we have your best interest at heart and assist you in finding the Medicare insurance and the Medicare supplements coverage that gives you the freedom to not worry about your Medicare plan so you can get back to focusing on your life and health worry-free. We work with residents in Toledo, Waterville, Wauseon, Whitehouse Maumee, Perrysburg, Napoleon and surrounding areas to procure the correct Medicare for their needs. We offer assistance with:

  • Medicare Part A
  • Medicare Part B
  • Advantage Plan Part C
  • Prescription Drug Plans
  • Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans

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