How landlords can prevent or stop human trafficking

Sheboygan Police Department Detective Tamara Remington discusses a few red flags landlords and property owners should look for to help prevent human trafficking.

“Hi, I’m Tamara Remington, I’m a detective with Sheboygan Police Department.  I’ve been in law enforcement for over 23 years, and in honor of National Human Trafficking Prevention Month,  I’m here to discuss human trafficking.  

Landlords are at risk of having human trafficking occur at their rental properties.  We’re seeing an increase in pop-up brothels.  A lot of this is due to traffickers feeling that rental properties are less monitored.  Some of the red flags of human trafficking that people can look out for include malnourishment, a subject that appears under the influence of alcohol or drugs, somebody that appears to have somebody always around them, monitoring them, possibly injuries, burns, brands, scarring, tattoos that indicate that they’re property of somebody else….somebody that’s afraid to make eye contact or speak for themselves, often deferring to other people.

Victims of human trafficking can exhibit one or more of the signs, so if you see something, say something.

Landlords in particular could look out for constant turnover of tenants, as well as tenants with little to no property.  It’s crucial for landlords to do a proper screening and vetting of tenants, as well as important for them to not be absentee landlords.  

There are many things you can do if you suspect that human trafficking is occurring.  This includes calling 911 if there’s an emergency occurring.  Otherwise, call your local, nonemergency law enforcement number.  Additionally, you should follow your company protocol.  But above all, you should call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

I encourage everyone to help us end human trafficking by spreading the word and raising awareness about this important topic.”  

To learn more about how you can help end human trafficking visit  #EndHumanTrafficking

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