Do I get Vision and Dental Coverage with Medicare?

We are often asked if Medicare includes coverage for routine vision exams, glasses, contacts, dental cleanings, or routine hearing exams.

The answer depends on what kind of Medicare plan you have.

Traditional Medicare Supplements do not cover routine visits to the eye doctor, dentist, or audiologist.  Medicare will generally only cover dental procedures in an emergency or complicated medical situation.  This goes the same with both vision and hearing.  If you need a surgery or a hospital stay due to a dental, vision, or hearing issue, Medicare will typically provide coverage.

Medicare Advantage Plans usually do provide coverage for these routine visits.  Often, an allowance is provided for hearing aides, routine dental cleanings, and eye exams and glasses.  Each insurance company writes their plans a little different so always check with your plan before scheduling your appointments.

As always, Beck Insurance Agency is here to help you find these answers and make decisions for the plan that you have, or the plans you are considering.  Contact Lori Good at Beck Insurance Agency in Whitehouse or Archbold, Ohio at 419-446-2777, send Lori an email at, or click here to submit your Medicare coverage questions.

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